Cheerful Art in the Time of COVID

Is it Christmas Morning Yet? by Hermine Harman

Is it Christmas Morning Yet? by Hermine Harman

I’ve created a very different artwork while sheltering in place these last few months! What started as an anxiety-inducing COVID shutdown of much of my normal activities turned into a very large triptych, that is colorful and shiny and harmonically helped restore my native optimism. It’s another example of how art gives back. #ArtGivesBack

I just received the image above from my artwork photographer. The piece is currently being framed as a triptych, with the three pieces floated together. I’ll be adding it to the gallery shop as soon as the framing is completed. I imagine it would bring so much joy and healing in a children’s hospital or pediatric clinic. Children are natural fans of color and could directly benefit from my approach to art, Color as Curative. #ColorAsCurative

My web guru suggested an interview format for this post, so I can tell you about creating this this relatively large piece. I’ve included several images below that show part of the creation process. I hope you enjoy it!

What inspired it?

This project actually started as an abstract painting that I wasn’t crazy about it. Before Hawaii shut down due to COVID, I had signed up for another workshop to continue in my learning. Unfortunately, the circumstances made me too stressed out to finish the course, so I just did the first exercise. I was not happy with the direction I saw the piece taking, so I decided to cut it up and make a collage. That's how it began! It got really intense for a few weeks as we were all dealing with the pandemic. Always being someone who loves to experiment with my art, I decided to make it 3-D and that is when the title, ‘Is It Christmas Morning Yet?’ just (literally!) jumped out at me!

Not far into the process, I actually decided to do it as a triptych. Of course green had to be there for Christmas — red and green. Then I decided blue, the other primary color I really love, would be so nice. I loved the challenge of figuring out how to make it into a three-way and trying different things to get the "packages" raised to different levels. I think it really accomplished my goal of making them look like presents!

This led me to a lot of experimentation using styrofoam and black, then more painting, then getting it glued down. Then more painting and then integrating the pieces together. Every bit of each part of the process was a challenge and exciting and frustrating! The whole thing has taken me five months to complete.

How does it depart from your other work?

This departs my other work because it’s a triptych that’s very large. I’ve only done two or three other large pieces of my 30+ years and it started as a single piece and has grown into three panels that go together. We’re still in the midst of this pandemic — life can be very heavy and scary. Is it Christmas Morning Yet? is the opposite of that.

What was fun and/or rewarding?

Definitely figuring out the logistics of cutting up the collage and how to tie the parts together to make it whole. That was challenging, but also so much fun when I figured out both the technical aspects and the conceptual foundation. The completed piece, just makes me very happy to look at it. I think it’s good at a time like this in our world to have something to make you feel happy. When I began creating this piece, I was so stressed out, I wasn't inspired to make ANY art, (much less the LARGEST work I have ever made!) and I feel so lucky that, through this artwork, I was able to work through my anxiety and create something that reflects my hope for better days ahead. #ColorAsCurative

How long have you worked on it?

I worked on it for five months. I did the original one in March, then around the first week of April (I’m not sure exactly) I cut up the first piece and started the collage process. I can’t believe it’s over and I love it and I hope you do too!

Download a One-Sheet PDF about this piece.

Here’s how it looks on the wall, currently in my living room:

Is It Christmas Morning Yet? by Hermine Harman

Is It Christmas Morning Yet? by Hermine Harman

Behind the Scenes on a Work in Progress:

About the Artwork:

Title: Is it Christmas Morning Yet?

Mixed media on three cradled panels 2’ X 3’ X 3”; floated and framed together, approximately 36”tall x 72” wide x 3” deep


12 Weeks of Giving


Color as Curative: Bringing Vibrant Energy Inside