12 Weeks of Giving

As many of you know, I love my studio time and over the years have created so much colorful art! As we experience so much disruption in our lives, I wanted to do something to “give back.” Not a day goes by that I am not reminded of the many blessings in my life. As we approach the holidays and finish out this crazy year (!), I’ve planned “12 Weeks of Giving” to give away 12 works of art.

The artworks range across the years and the media I’ve used and are a variety of sizes. To facilitate this, I’m running a 12-week contest on Instagram. Each week, we’ll post a new artwork and then post the winner of each artwork.

We’re getting a little bit of a late start, so the first week includes two artworks! Here’s how it works — I hope you’ll connect on Instagram with me and join in the fun and giving.


1. Make sure you’re following @hermine.harman.art.
2. Tag 3 friends in the comments who would love a little extra color in their lives.
3. Bonus entry if you share this post to your story and tag us.

Winner to be announced EACH FRIDAY.
Numerous entries are permitted.


Congratulations to the Winners!

Week 1: @carolsmauilife
Week 2: @janekocivar
Week 3: @csouto321
Week 4: @kvanhorn.maui
Week 5: @leccaloo22
Week 6: @itscaraonmaui

Week 7: @swntrb
Week 8: @smmmarti
Week 9: @katieskitchengourmet
Week 10: @annettevpriola
Week 11: @elizabeth_wads
Week 12: @kalena808chick


Small Artworks for Giving


Cheerful Art in the Time of COVID