Introducing New Goddesses


I’ve got a long history of studying and appreciating goddess energy in my life. In the COVID times, they started visiting me again and I’m so excited about this new direction in my art. It merges my recent fascination with abstraction and collage with my personal/spiritual studies. Working on these images have a way of pulling me (and you) out of the darkness and the death and into the loving support of these archetypes.

I’ve completed two paintings and started work on the third. Unlike my former images in this genre, which were filled with pastels and frivolity, this new series combines irreverence and levity as a direct response to the challenges we are all facing together and apart. The colors and the concepts are stronger and go deeper into the experience of being powerful and ‘not to be tangled with.’

The Year Medusa Reigned


24” x 24”, acrylic on 1” cradled panel

Inspired by my earlier COVID painting, Is It Christmas Morning Yet?, this piece pushes up against the 2D genre with layers of collage and red Swarovski crystals in the snake eyes. A brief reminder of Medusa, from Wikipedia:

In Greek mythology, Medusa ("guardian, protectress")also called Gorgo, was one of the three monstrous Gorgons, generally described as winged human females with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed into her eyes would turn to stone.

This piece has an intensity and directness that is somewhat rare in my work, though it is filled with red, my favorite color! And those who know me, appreciate my own intensity and passion that define my life.

This original artwork is available for purchase in my online shop. We can also reproduce it in almost limitless ways to suit your space.

Octopus Woman Caught Smoking


36” x 36”, on 1.75” cradled panel


This painting gives me so much joy! The colors, the irreverence, a goddess figure not modeled after an archetype but a creation out of my own reservoir of patterns, color, and shapes. The side of the panel is also painted and collaged and makes for a vibrant piece of art on the wall, from any viewing direction.

Whether snakes, tentacles, or hair, I’m clearly playing with the entanglements of our time, the messy ways we’ve re-structured our lives to cope with COVID, and yet the enduring vibrance and life force that is color.

This artwork is available for purchase in my online shop. We can also reproduce it in almost limitless ways to suit your space.

Who’s Next? Guanyin (also known as Kwan Yin)

I’ve started work on the third goddess in the series, inspired by Guanyin, a Buddhist bodhisattva associated with compassion. I’ve started laying down the base, and it is calming greens. Here’s a sneak peek of the base painting in progress!



RED: The Color of February


Join Me for a Dialogue on Grief