A Burst of Pink


Each month this year we’ve been sharing the magical curative powers of many different colors. It’s been a chance to share with you so much of my art, covering over 30 years! The peachy pinks this month have been a welcome tonic for the challenges many of us are facing. Curiously, there are so many quotes that serve as homage to pink, further proving the color’s ability to raise our spirits! When it comes to Color as Curative, pink might be the ultimate prize winner. So let’s hop on the pink clouds (sunrise or sunset — your choice!) and learn some more about this strong, powerful, at times delicate color.

Pink gemstones are believed to bring about serenity, relaxation, acceptance, and contentment, as well to neutralize disorder or soften frustration.” Bourne Creative So now is a great time to have some rose quartz in your pocket — many use a polished version as a ‘worry stone.’ The idea is to massage the smooth stone in your hand and give away your troubles to the gemstone.

I made this painting above, Serenity, about four years after I moved to Maui. I was nearly overwhelmed by the beauty and the serenity I found walking by the Pacific (“peaceful”) Ocean. I wanted to capture it in this painting and remind myself that peace is always present if we seek it out.

It seems to me that this ability to sit quietly and (ideally) gaze out at nature, has been one of the most inspiring and supportive skills I re-learned during the pandemic. Choosing to embrace pink and all its joyfulness, has made a difference for me and I hope my pink art can do the same for you.

Now, for the joyful side of pink!

Hermine Harman and Steven Tyler

Hermine Harman and Steven Tyler

“You could be my flamingo. ‘Cause pink is the new kinda lingo.” ~ Aerosmith

I loved when we found this quote from Aerosmith, as their lead singer, Steven Tyler, is one of my collectors! Yes, we share the love of extravagance in many aspects' of life. You can read more about our connection here on the blog. He’s a friendly and familiar person to many of us on Maui, again, sharing the pink vibe that embodies something of a “love everyone” spirit.

Top Credit: “Serenity” by Hermine Harman (excerpt)

Pink Inspirations from My Instagram This Month:




Black is the Mother of All Colors