May Sun Shines Bright Yellow

‘Pizza Party’ excerpt

‘Pizza Party’ excerpt

“In the world of safe hues, like black, red and white, yellow shouts: ‘Look at me. I’m happy!’”
– Joy Sewing

Readers of my art blog know that I love red! Yet no color stands alone, and in my own Color as Curative journey, yellow was oddly one of the last colors I came to understand and appreciate. I find this odd as yellow = the sunshine, which I am abundantly blessed with living here on Maui, and because my personality thrives on the exuberant optimism that I’ve intentionally cultivated over my many decades. It most of all connects us to sunshine, to light, aiding our ability to see, both literally and figuratively.

“Yellow is the color which is closest to light. We associate the rays of the sun and the stars with it. It is the radiance of the spirit.”
– Ueli Seiler-Hugova

Yellow exudes power, even as it us also connected to signs of caution. I found this scientific discussion of yellow and want to share it with you:

Yellow is the most visible color of the spectrum.

The human eye processes yellow first. This explains why it is used for cautionary signs and emergency rescue vehicles.

Peripheral vision is 2.5 times higher for yellow than for red.

Yellow has a high light reflectance value and therefore it acts as a secondary light source.  Excessive use of bright yellow (such as on interior walls) can irritate the eyes.

“How lovely yellow is! It stands for the sun.”
– Vincent Van Gogh

A reminder that I’m sharing artwork on my Instagram account for the color theme of each month. I hope to see you there!


Peaceful and Playful Purple


April Showers Us in Blue